About The NVIDIA Jetson AI Ambassadors
The NVIDIA Jetson AI Ambassador certification is for educators, leaders at robotics institutions and AI community organizers. It recognizes competency in teaching AI on Jetson using a project-based assessment, including an interview with the NVIDIA team.
Jetson AI Specialist

The first stage in my NVIDIA journey was to take the Jetson AI Fundamentals Course. The coure includes completing NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute’s Getting Started with AI on Jetson Nano course and completing a project based assesment and a supporting video.
For my certification project I developed the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Jetson Nano Classifier, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) developed using Intel® oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit and Intel® Optimization for Tensorflow* to accelerate the training process, and TensorRT for high performance inference on the NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™.
The project was awarded project of the month by NVIDIA and I was gifted a Jetson AGX Xavier developer kit.
Jetson AI Ambassadors

The next stage in my NVIDIA journey was to apply tothe DLI Certified Instructor program and to have an interview with the NVIDIA Team.
Deliver DLI Instructor-Led Workshops