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Intel/Microsoft IoT Solutions World Congress Hackathon

23 October 2016 - 24 October 2016     2513

At the IoT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona, I took part in the Intel / Micorosoft – IoT Solutions World Congress Hackathon and the IoT Solutions World Congress Brokerage Event.

At the Hackathon I joined up with a team people dedicated to enhancing the world through modern technologies under the name of Team Random. The original team had five members: Myself, Amir H. Bakhtiary, Katerina Zalamova, David Soles & Roger Sindre-u. The team entered their project in the healthcare category and the aim was to create an Artificially Intelligent camera that could identify family members, in particular dependent family members, and control a range of connected sensors and actuators in a way that could help assist dependent family members.

The project won a special award from Intel, the Intel Experts Award, an award that was created to recognize the appreciation of Intel for the usage of their hardware in a unique way, in particular the implementation of the Neural Network on an Intel Joule and overcoming issues with the relatively new hardware.